
Banteay Chhmar, Cambodia
GHF’s Master Conservation Planning is providing Banteay Chhmar the means to establish an appropriate, long-term balance between the needs of conservation, access, sustainable economic development and the interests of the local community. Additionally, the government has recommended that the Master Plan be prepared as a means for dealing with all of the issues affecting complex archaeological sites.
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Cyrene, Libya
In 2008, The GHF Project at Cyrene, Libya, led by Dr. Serenella Ensoli, completed major milestones in the planning, technical documentation and conservation of the UNESCO World Heritage site focused on the Sanctuary of Apollo and its Amphitheatre. A comprehensive Management Plan for the environs of the Sancturay of Apollo is being developed with the Libyan Ministry of Culture by a team of international experts, which is expected to be completed in draft form for approvals in 2009. Conservation of the main amphitheatre has begun with equipment and personnel now on site, and 2010-2012 will be a critical period for on-site conservation of these endangered monuments.
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Pingyao Ancient City, China
Pingyao Ancient City in Shanxi, China, is considered to be the first banking capital of China and was the central bank for much of the Silk Road trade during the Ming (14th–17th centuries AD) and Qing (17th–20th centuries AD) dynasties. Pingyao Ancient City is one of the last remaining intact examples of traditional Qing Dynasty architecture.
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Mirador, Guatemala
The project of the 2008 season was the largest in history, focusing on El Mirador, the road between El Mirador and Tintal and sites in the La Gloria Grant and Grant to the Red Cross. The project will give employment to 318 workers, 40 specialists, students and 22 Guatemalans and Americans. The project managed to continue with programs of health, potable water systems, Computer Schools for communities, schools for Tourism Guides with 28 students from the first school of guides, and the high literacy and education programs for workers.
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James Hooper, GHF UK Manager, attended The Prince’s Foundation for the Built Environment’s 6th Annual Conference, entitled “Globalisation from the Bottom Up”. James was accompanying GHF partner and Chairman of the Hampi Foundation, Mrs. Sangita Jindal.
Held at St. James’ Palace, 5th February, the conference examined issues associated with globalisation and sought to identify better ways of meeting the aspirations of the burgeoning urban populations of the Global South and establishing settlements that are liveable, resilient and founded upon local culture and building traditions.
On the 24th March at Asia House in London, His Excellency Hor Nambora, Ambassador of Cambodia to Great Britain, introduced John Sanday GHF Field Director for Asia Pacific and his presentation of Banteay Chhmar Conservation Training Project. A year to the day after the official signing of GHF’s Memorandum of Understanding with the Cambodian Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts, John Sanday presented the huge strides in planning, scientific conservation and community involvement that have been taken at Banteay Chhmar. GHF UK thanks Abercrombie Kent for their support for this landmark event.

Archaeologists have unearthed a pair of monumental stucco panels in Guatemala that appear to depict one of the New World's oldest-known creation stories, going back thousands of years to what experts call "the cradle of Maya civilization."
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In London a few years ago, my family spent a day at the vast British Museum. It was late afternoon when we reached the Egyptian collection, and our youngest was at her limit. Trying to revive her interest, I marveled that the lovely things around us had come all the way from ancient Egypt.
She wasn't impressed.
"If they belong in Egypt, then what are they doing here?"
Good question, kiddo.
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World Heritage is pitifully under-resourced. The World Monuments Fund (WMF), a New York-based non-governmental organisation founded in 1965, disburses around $13 million a year to protect endangered cultural sites. It contributed more than $10 million to the restoration of a single 18th-century church in London-St George's, Bloomsbury, designed by Nicholas Hawksmoor. The Global Heritage Fund, another NGO, with headquarters in California, has revenue of around $5 million a year, but was only founded in 2002 and is working on just ten sites, all in the developing world. UNESCO has admitted that its list has traditionally been weighted in favour of Europe, Christianity and "elitist" architecture, as opposed to vernacular.
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THMA PUOK DISTRICT, Banteay Meanchey province - Flat but rather bumpy, and so dusty that dirt clouds raised by speeding vehicles reduce visibility almost nil, National Route 56 from Serei Saophoan leads straight to a moat with sections of Angkorian wall still visible. The village of Banteay Chhmar Khang Choeung is spread along the moat across from the 800-year-old Angkorian-era monastery of Banteay Chhmar.
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Saving Our Global Heritage
An Evening Presentation by
Jeff Morgan, Co-Founder &
Executive Director,
Global Heritage Fund
at the
Asia Society Hong Kong Center
May 14, 2009
For more information: click here
The Commonwealth Club Annual Dinner
Global Heritage Fund’s Executive Director joined the Skoll Foundation, Google.org, Kiva.org and Bill Draper for a panel discussion on Social Entrepreneurship at the Fairmont Hotel, San Francisco April 17th, 2009.
The evening celebrated the lifetime of William Draper III, an early investor in GHF.
For more information: click here