GHF is pleased to announce a $400,000 in-country matching fund pledge from the Vehbi Koç Foundation and a $125,000 pledged donation from the J.M. Kaplan Fund for conservation of Göbekli Tepe in Turkey. These critical contributions bring pledged funding for Göbekli Tepe, the world's oldest known ceremonial center, to a total of nearly $800,000.
Read more about Göbekli Tepe project progress.
Carmelita, a community at the gateway to El Mirador, has signed an historic agreement that will ensure the protection of more than 80,000 acres of pristine forest in the heart of the Maya Biosphere. In exchange for the forest's protection, the community will receive support in the areas of education, health and fire prevention.
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 Associated Press recently featured an article on Banteay Chhmar by Bangkok Bureau Chief Denis Gray, and the piece was picked up by many networks and print news outlets including Fox News, ABC News, CBS News, The Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post.
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 Marcahuamachuco was profiled by global news agency AFP in a video documentary and accompanying written report, both of which illustrated the site's significance and conservation goals. The video features an interview with John Hurd, GHF's International Conservation Director, who joined the reporters on a recent trip to the site and suggests that "it could break the dependence of the tourism industry on Machu Picchu."
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A professional preservationist since 1983, Vincent worked on the creation and interpretation of the Illinois & Michigan Canal National Heritage Corridor as a planner and advocate for Landmarks Illinois for eight years. He received his B.A. and M.A. from the University of Chicago and received a Trustee's Award from the Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts to complete his doctorate in architectural history at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
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 Bob Woods, GHF's Chief Development Officer, has worked for over 30 years as a fundraiser at major universities, museums and national not-for-profit organizations. His specialty is overseeing the creation of major gift programs and is skilled at improving overall fundraising, implementing organizational change, and pursuing best practices in development for public benefit corporations.
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